Aug 9, 2010

Build Your Business On The Web By Attraction Rather Than Promotion

OK, so your brand new website was recently launched. It's ready to start sending prospects from the web to you. Although it does happen, usually simply launching a website doesn't make your phone start ringing off the hook.

What can really help is taking advantage of social media to help gently PULL prospects to your website/company. Everything you put online helps increase exposure and awareness, especially if it involves Facebook, Blogs, Twitter and YouTube.

With social media, the key to success is not to use it like traditional marketing. You'll attract AND retain far more followers & fans if your posts are interesting and informative. This strategy PULLS prospects to you, rather than PUSHING you to them. If your Social Media Marketing campaigns mirror traditional marketing, that is they are all or mostly about posting specials, discounts, ''buy now & save'' and similar content we all see (and often tune out, ignore, hate!) in Company Emails, Print Ads, Internet Ads, Radio and TV commercials, you risk pushing propects away rather than pulling them to you!

Attraction Rather Than Promotion: The best PULL marketing is NOT direct hard selling, but rather it's very subtle soft selling. A good way to engage in PULL marketing is posting something of value that's interesting AND educational. You may be familar with the term ''edutainment'' - content that makes us smile/laugh AND teaches us something new. It's not a new concept - Walt Disney was using it back in the 1940's and it's been gaining widespread popularity since the 1970's. But the past decade is where the concept really has taken off, thanks mainly to the explosive growth of the internet as THE information source.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised if you begin develop a mindset of PULL marketing in your social media and other internet marketing efforts.

What are some of the ways you can use "edutainment" to help grow your business?? Start making a list of possible ideas today!

For more information about this blog post topic, please visit and then call Cole WebMarketing at 704-503-7069.