Jun 29, 2013

Sharing and/or Posting Online - Flow-Chart about "Where To Post What?"

Since this is a serious & professional business blog about Internet Marketing, rarely do we post content of this type. However, we all here love good harmless sarcasm, and this graphic was amusing enough in our offices to warrant a public share.  Hope you also find it funny!

Cole WebMarketing is a Charlotte, NC based web design, development and site management firm. We offer a wide array of internet marketing related services, and have been serving small-medium sized businesses nationwide, since 1999. 

Social Media Marketing Consulting is one of our main areas of expertise & specializtion.  We offer consultations by phone and in person, 1on1 and group presentations, to businesses and organizations.  Client support can be on a one time basis, from time to time (quarterly or annual review/recommendations) or on a monthly retainer basis.

To learn more about our services, please visit www.ColeWebMarketing.com and then call us at 704-456-9321 to discuss your particular needs.

DISCLAIMER: We LOVE Google+, Foursquare, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter - no offense intended and this post clearly states that this is a piece of satire...so please don't sue us!