Dec 17, 2010

Press Release: 3D CAD Solutions For Industrial Manufacturers & Distributors

Charlotte, NC December 17, 2010 -- Cole WebMarketing, a Charlotte, NC based website design and development firm, today announced that New Jersey based will soon be offering a very much new and improved online catalog/CAD download solution.

The Kraissl Company is an industry leader in the manufacture of heavy duty simplex and duplex strainers, filters, transfer valves, and oil transfer pumps. “We recognize that the buying process has changed - customers now often research and select products online even before talking to a supplier so our new website will make it easy to find the right product and the matching downloadable CAD models.

This should save engineers and designers time as they specify our products into their designs,” said Dick Michel, President, Kraissl Co. “We’ve had 2D CAD downloads on our website for many years but have wanted to upgrade the user experience and add 3D CAD models. With Cole WebMarketing, we evaluated several vendors and ultimately chose the CDS Catalog and CDS ModelServer SaaS solution to be integrated with the next generation of our website, currently being developed by Cole WebMarketing.”

“In our evaluation we looked at catalog and CAD solutions that specifically address the needs of industrial suppliers. CDS, the firm we've partnered with, really stood out technically and they are quick and easy to work with - we plan to recommend them to all our industrial customers,” said Brian Cole, President, Cole WebMarketing.

“We’re delighted to have been selected by Kraissl Co. and Cole WebMarketing,” said John Major, the CEO of CDS. “As they recognize the industrial buying process has changed, designers now research and select products online, so suppliers’ online content needs to influence that research, be easily searchable and downloadable. Of the many types of online marketing content (e.g. white papers, case studies, brochures, videos, demos, recorded webinars, reviews, CAD model downloads, etc.) only one is known to lead to a sale nearly 50% of the time! CAD downloads may be the most efficient online marketing tool available.” We help industrial suppliers and distributors grow sales and strengthen customer loyalty through interactive online catalogs, ecommerce, 3D CAD model delivery and product configurator solutions.

About Cole WebMarketing
Cole WebMarketing, based in Charlotte, North Carolina, focuses on B2B (business to business) companies. Primary services include: website design & development, SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Social Media Marketing and general Internet Marketing consulting. They have been serving customers nationwide since 1999 and specialize in helping industrial companies - manufacturers, distributors and related service companies - that specifically target the technical buyers and engineers that specify industrial products.

For more information about this blog post topic, please visit and then call Cole WebMarketing at 704-503-7069.

Dec 14, 2010

When's The Last Time You ''Crawled'' Your Website? Learn the VALUE of an Annual Website Review:

Think about your car. Your car gets inspected every year, doesn't it? You also know the importance of regular monitoring and maintenance...checking tire pressure, fluid levels, changing oil & filter every 3000 miles, etc. but do you watch and take care of one of your most important sales & customer service tools (your website), with the same care and concern?

Anytime Cole WebMarketing designs and develops a website for one of our clients, we always check what's suggested below (and much more!) during construction and during our final "pre-flight inspection" prior to "new site launch". However, we know that businesses change over time, and your website should be updated to reflect those changes. In addition, Internet Browsers change over time too, so pages/features that worked perfectly several years ago might not several years later. If we didn't build your site, what you read below are some things we suggest you pay close attention to during an Annual Website Review.

ANNUAL REVIEW:I suggest you "crawl" your site....just like the search engine spider robots do! I'm talking about going through your site page by page, link by link. Depending on the size of your website, this process can take 15 minutes or a few hours, but no matter the size, there are several key areas you need to pay special attention to. These include: FUNCTION, CONTENT, FORMAT and FEATURES.

FUNCTION:Think about mandatory pre-flight airplane inspections? Even if they weren't required, ask any pilot if they would still take time to personally conduct one each and every time before they fly! Any business owner should put the same value on their Annual Website Review. The first thing you want to confirm is that everything is working as it should. Start with your links. Most sites have a "main navigation menu" - links (at page top or on one side) to other pages. These often appear on all pages, and are considered primary or "global navigation" links. You want to make sure that ALL your primary links take visitors to where you want them to go. Next, check any "secondary" links - these are links on pages, often in the "body area" of the page, that lead visitors to additional pages, PDF's, etc. where they can get more details.
You'll also want to make sure all images appear as they should - no little "red x's" where an image is supposed to be - and no "display issues" - photos should not appear squeezed or stretched. If you have video clips on your site, do they play properly. It's also best to "cross browser" test and make sure everything displays and functions OK no matter if your visitors are using Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Safari or another browser.

CONTENT:Is all the content up-to-date? Old content and other text that is not correct, is worse than no text at all. Nothing screams to first time visitors more that "you don't care" than clicking on your "Upcoming Events" and seeing things that happened 5 years ago. Ask yourself, looking at the page through the eyes of your prospect or current customers, is there sufficient detail? Are there sections where adding expanded information would help your site visitor (and help your conversion ratio of turning "visitors into customers"). Keep in mind that increasing keyword rich content is a primary SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tactic that results in increased listings and improved "rank" on the SERPs (search engine results pages) of Google, Live, Yahoo!, ASK and other major search engines.

FORMAT:Are your pages too long? According to website design/development "best practices", any page over "3 screen scrolls" is too long. Huge pages are a bad idea for a many reasons. Long pages overwhelm a site visitor. A common reaction is "I don't have time to read all THAT" & they click the back button & say goodbye). Also, long pages "confuse" GoogleBot and the other search engines robot by making it difficult to accurately ascertain the "theme" of the page. It makes it difficult to "index your page" based on it's main subject. Splitting up a long ''multiple themed'' page into separate short ''single themed'' pages is a great way to improve your website. How is the navigation on your site? Could it be revised to make it easier/quicker for visitors to find the information they need? How about the "layout" of your site. Is is small (width wise), developed for the small (800 pixel wide screen resolution) and common monitors of the old days (pre-2005)? If it also justified left, leaving a huge block of empty space on the right side of today's popular large monitor screens?

FEATURES:How does your site today compare to others in your industry? If your site already "stands out" as the best or better than most, don't assume those other sites aren't looking to eat your lunch! A few ways that you can keep ahead of the competition (or catch them and pass them up if you're running behind), is by making your site more useful to your prospects and customers. Take a good look at the photos on your website. Would adding new/better photos present your products and services more effectively and/or give your site a more polished and professional "look & feel"? How about video? Does your site have any? Are there pages where a short video clip would help better tell your story? Modern websites are becoming increasingly more "interactive" and those that seem like ''Word Docs on the Web'', those that consist of just text & photos are quickly becoming "old school". If you're an industrial manufacturer, do you see the value in adding downloadable 3D CAD drawings to your website? Would a "smart search" function enabling visitors to easily and quickly find specific product information based on particular attributes help improve your website ROI? In the past few years,
Social Media Marketing has become the big "buzz word" in the world of websites. Creating (and integrating into your website) free Social Media tools like a Blog, Facebook Page, a company YouTube Channel, Linkedin ("Facebook for Professionals") and tapping into Twitter (especially for B2C companies) is the latest bandwagon that we see many businesses jumping on.

NEW YEAR = BETTER WEBSITE:DECEMBER is a great time each year to conduct an "Annual Website Review". Make notes of any corrections or improvements that need to be made. Then, in JANUARY get that work completed, or at least started. For an outside look in, Cole WebMarketing also offers a very thorough "Professional Website Audit" that we can conduct on your website. To discuss how we can ''help you turn more searches into sales'', please visit and then call Cole WebMarketing at 704-503-7069.

Aug 9, 2010

Build Your Business On The Web By Attraction Rather Than Promotion

OK, so your brand new website was recently launched. It's ready to start sending prospects from the web to you. Although it does happen, usually simply launching a website doesn't make your phone start ringing off the hook.

What can really help is taking advantage of social media to help gently PULL prospects to your website/company. Everything you put online helps increase exposure and awareness, especially if it involves Facebook, Blogs, Twitter and YouTube.

With social media, the key to success is not to use it like traditional marketing. You'll attract AND retain far more followers & fans if your posts are interesting and informative. This strategy PULLS prospects to you, rather than PUSHING you to them. If your Social Media Marketing campaigns mirror traditional marketing, that is they are all or mostly about posting specials, discounts, ''buy now & save'' and similar content we all see (and often tune out, ignore, hate!) in Company Emails, Print Ads, Internet Ads, Radio and TV commercials, you risk pushing propects away rather than pulling them to you!

Attraction Rather Than Promotion: The best PULL marketing is NOT direct hard selling, but rather it's very subtle soft selling. A good way to engage in PULL marketing is posting something of value that's interesting AND educational. You may be familar with the term ''edutainment'' - content that makes us smile/laugh AND teaches us something new. It's not a new concept - Walt Disney was using it back in the 1940's and it's been gaining widespread popularity since the 1970's. But the past decade is where the concept really has taken off, thanks mainly to the explosive growth of the internet as THE information source.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised if you begin develop a mindset of PULL marketing in your social media and other internet marketing efforts.

What are some of the ways you can use "edutainment" to help grow your business?? Start making a list of possible ideas today!

For more information about this blog post topic, please visit and then call Cole WebMarketing at 704-503-7069.

Jul 27, 2010

Want Your Site Visitors To Help Drive Traffic To Your Site?

FREE WebMarketing Tip # 100727: Want to make it super easy for people to bookmark your website, print a page, share via email, post to their Facebook page or otherwise "share" your site with their own personal & professional network of family, friends and business associates? Consider adding AddThis, a FREE add/share feature to your site. You can increase traffic to your website by having your site visitors help drive valuable "personal referrals" to your website!

Sharing features are very popular these days because they are powerful form of contemporary "pull" marketing (vs traditional "push" marketing like TV commercials, banner ads on websites, print ads, email & direct mail, telemarketing, outside sales, etc.). Blogspot sees the VALUE in them - see bottom of this blog post!

AddThis is the professional solution used by Cole WebMarketing on all our websites. It's also used by over 1.2 million sites (US government, Fortune 100, sports teams, major entertainment & news websites, etc.) so it's quickly becoming the industry standard "bookmark/share feature". One click to "print, email, tweet, facebook post, etc." As of JULY 2010, it offers one click connection with over 300 social media marketing opportunities such as the premier Facebook.

A great BONUS is the analytics (tracking of activity) that's included. You can log in and view your "stats" anytime. You can get weekly email notifications to monitor how many people used the feature, what they shared, where/how they shared it, etc. Also includes geotagging, so you can track where in the world your "sharers" are from. Best part of all this is that it's FREE.

To add AddThis to your Cole WebMarketing designed and developed website, or simply for more information, call Cole WebMarketing at 704-503-7069. To learn more about our company and services, visit

Jun 7, 2010

Keyword/Keyphrase: Increase the Quantity AND Quality of Prospects to Your Business Blog

Keywords/Keyphases ~ A business blog can be a great way to help attract and funnel qualified prospects to your website. Here is a BIG tip to make your business blog "Super Search Engine Friendly" and help you increase both the quantity AND quality of traffic to your blog (and your website).

  • Repetition For Emphasis - Increase Your Keyword Density: Carefully select a few keywords or keyphrases that clearly AND concisely describe your blog post topic and subject. Don't overload your post with keywords and keyphrases, but repeat yourself (a few or several times, depending on the total word count of the business blog post) to increase your "keyword density ratio." GoogleBot, the search engine robot for Google, will often consider the first few words at the most important words, so "front loading" your business blog post with your target keyphrases is important. The search engine robots MSNbot (Live) and Slurp (Yahoo!) also will pay special attention to the first words/first paragraph. MSNbot will also focus on the last words/last paragraph to help determine the main subject of a web page.

Keep this powerful SEO concept/tactic (keyword selection, placement & frequency) in mind when writing your next business blog and you'll significantly improve your chances of targeting and hitting bigger and better customers!

For more information about this blog post topic, please visit and then call Cole WebMarketing at 704-503-7069.

One Subject Per Post: Increase the Quantity AND Quality of Prospects to Your Business Blog

As I've discussed in previous webmarketing posts, a business blog can be a great way to help attract and funnel qualified prospects to your website. Here are a BIG tip to make your business blog "Super Search Engine Friendly" and help you increase both the quantity AND quality of traffic to your blog (and your website).

Single Themed Focus - One Post, One Subject: this simple and time proven SEO tactic, which also applies to website page development, involves picking one product, one service or one subject to write about. When search engines robots hit a page on the web (blog page or website page) it will make a decision as to what the FOCUS is for this page. The first question it has is "what" - what is this page about? The answer determines how the search engine robot will "index" the page after it "crawls" it. It will look for keywords; especially repeated keywords. If you write in your blog post about several different subjects, the robot NOT you will decide what the focus or emphasis of the blog is. Obviously there a good chance the robot and you might disagree about this! You can help both of you "get on the same page", by selecting a single topic and then staying on it.

Keep this powerful SEO concept/tactic (single themed post) in mind when writing your next business blog and you'll significantly improve your chances of attracting and catching bigger and better customers!

For more information about this blog post topic, please visit and then call Cole WebMarketing at 704-503-7069.

Apr 21, 2010

Business Blog - Is It Worth The Time & Effort?

Since all Cole WebMarketing clients are businesses, most of them B2B (business to business) companies, I'm often asked by the business owner or Marketing Manager if creating a blog for their business is worth their time and effort to set up and maintain.

Before I answer that frequently asked question, let's first answer...what is a BLOG?

A blog (a contraction of the term "web log" is a type of website, usually maintained by an individual with regular entries of commentary, descriptions of events, or other material such as graphics or video. Entries are commonly displayed in reverse-chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.

Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, Web pages, and other media related to its topic. The ability of readers to leave comments in an interactive format is an important part of many blogs.

Blogs for business can be used internally to enhance the communication and culture in a corporation or externally for marketing, branding or public relations purposes are called corporate blogs.


A few quick facts should quickly answer the question about "what's the VALUE for having a corporate blog"? A business blog can...

- help win back past customers
- help retain current customers
- help attract future customers
- help create more visibility/exposure for your company
- help create a "community" within your customer base
- make it easier for customers and prospects to connect with your company
- help your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) efforts because blogs are "crawled & indexed" just like "real" websites.
- help keep your content updated on your company website (when your blog is "embedded" into it


I'm almost always asked "What should we (our particular type of business) blog about?"
Most prospects and customers like to read about company news (new products/services, industry news and updates, special promotions, upcoming tradeshows, plus tips & advice, tutorials, how to articles, etc. You can provide some really good customer service before, during and after the sale by "posting" content like this.


I mentioned SEO above, and you can really maximize your SEO efforts when adding content to your blog by "optimizing" your blog posts for keywords. Be specific!
Use “long-tail keyword phrases” not just single keywords whenever possible. For example, write "social media marketing tips" rather than just "marketing tips". If your company targets just the local or regional market, add your city or state to the keyword, as in "charlotte social media marketing consultant".

Links INTO your website are important, especially in the eyes of GoogleBot, the search engine spider robot for Google. Make sure you include hyperlinks into your website whenever possible. At the very least, each and every post should include a "call to action" (for more information, to get a quote, to order now, etc.) along with your company name, phone number and website address (link).


Encourage readers to FOLLOW your blog. Following allows people to be informed automatically when you post something new. The free Google Reader is the way I manage the blogs I follow. You can learn more about Google Reader here:

Also encourage visitors to interact with your blog by posting comments & questions.  In order to maintain "control", make sure your blog is set up to "moderate ALL comments prior to public posting". This way, you'll get an email notice telling you that someone has posted a comment and you can approve or deny the comment. Yes, this can involve censorship, but I prefer to call it "protecting your corporate branding".

However, if someone posts a common objection, take advantage of this opportuity to overcome the objection so that you ''nip it in the bud'' for other readers that might have the same or similar concern. If it's a complaint, don't panic and instantly delete it! Consider it instead as an opportunity for you not only to make a wrong right, but to also show customers and prospects that if there is a problem or a mistake has been made on your end, your company will act quickly to satisfactorily resolve the issue. Make sure you respond quickly (within a few days) on your blog to any comment or question posted on your blog.


Once you've set up your blog, customized it, and posted something more than the initial "welcome to our blog, check back soon for yada yada", you need to take an ACTIVE role in promoting your biz blog.

  • Use your Facebook Business Page (see my other posts about using Facebook to help build your business) to help drive traffic to your Business Blog.
  • Mention your company blog in your company newsletters. You can write a press release about your new business blog (there are many free business press releases's one: and many paid ones too has a nice package for $300 a year)
  • Include a link to your business blog in your email signature

Make sure you provide high quality, interesting, and relevant information that's written to target your specific market. Avoid "selling" in your blog. Some soft selling is usually tolerated, but if readers think you're just trying to use your blog to close another deal and you're "pushy" about it, they are very likely to leave and not return. The back button is just a click away!

If you'd like to start a business blog for your company, call us at 704-503-7069. We can set everything up for you, customize it and embed the blog into your website. For more information about this blog post topic, please visit and then call Cole WebMarketing at 704-503-7069.

Mar 5, 2010

How To Insert a Facebook Fan Box Into a Website

Here's How To Insert a Facebook Fan Box (data feed) Into Your Website:

Facebook makes it easy, in 3 simple steps, to embed your Facebook Business Page into your own external website. This is a win-win for you the website owner. If someone finds you on Facebook first, with one click they can be at your website. If they find your website first, with one click they can be checking out your Facebook Biz Page and then "become a Facebook fan" of your business.

HOW TO: In order to get your Facebook Fan Box "widget" (data feed) embedded into your website, you need to first generate the "code" that's needed by Cole WebMarketing to insert into your home or other page.

When you are on your Facebook Business Page, CLICK EDIT (upper left), all the next page you'll see on the RIGHT side "PROMOTE WITH FAN BOX". On this page, follow the prompts - where to add the widget, select OTHER, and you'll see the code needed. Simply copy & paste that into an email us and we'll complete the process on our end.

Note: if you prefer NOT to have a live data feed (Fan Box) we can simply add a SHARE button or a Facebook Page BADGE to you website, to quickly & easily enable visitors to your site to connect with (and become a FAN of) your Facebook business page.

For more information about this blog post topic, please visit and then call Cole WebMarketing at 704-503-7069.

How To Create a Facebook Business Page

You can quickly and easily create a FREE Facebook Page for your business. The process requires no HTML knowledge or other website development skills and within an hour you can have a presence on the most popular and powerful social media website in the world.

This presence will help increase exposure/awareness, enhance your corporate branding, and, most importantly, a Facebook biz page will create a "community of customers" that like your products/services and enjoy doing business with you.

"Fans" of your business become a priceless recommendation of your business, and due to the nature of social networking websites like Facebook (growing FAST: NOV 2010 = over 500 million users), this "two thumbs up vote" grows exponentially over time.

IMPORTANT: there are several different types of Facebook pages. Personal Profiles, Community Pages, Group Pages and Business Pages. Once you have a Personal Profile, make sure you create a BUSINESS page. "Friends" are for your personal account. You want "fans" to "like" your business. There are a number of other advantages and reasons why it's important that you start with the correct type of Facebook page.

Here is a link to get started:

For more information about this blog post topic, please visit and then call Cole WebMarketing at 704-503-7069.

What is Facebook....and as a business owner, "what's in it for me"?

What Is Facebook?
Wikipedia says: Facebook is a social networking website that is operated and privately owned by Facebook, Inc. Since September 2006, anyone over the age of 13 with a valid e-mail address (and not residing in one of the countries where it is banned) can become a Facebook user. Users can add friends and send them messages, and update their personal profiles to notify friends about themselves. Additionally, users can join networks organized by city, workplace, and school or college.

The website's name stems from the colloquial name of books given at the start of the academic year by university administrations in the US with the intention of helping students to get to know each other better.

Why is Facebook Considered Such a Powerful Business Marketing Tool?
I think ''the numbers'' speak for themselves! Here's some stats off the FB website (MARCH 2010):

Company Figures
More than 400 million active users
50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any given day
More than 35 million users update their status each day
More than 60 million status updates posted each day
More than 3 billion photos uploaded to the site each month
More than 5 billion pieces of content (web links, news stories, blog posts, notes, photo albums, etc.) shared each week
More than 3.5 million events created each month
More than 3 million active Pages on Facebook
More than 1.5 million local businesses have active Pages on Facebook
More than 20 million people become fans of Pages each day
Pages have created more than 5.3 billion fans

Average User Figures
Average user has 130 friends on the site
Average user sends 8 friend requests per month
Average user spends more than 55 minutes per day on Facebook
Average user clicks the Like button on 9 pieces of content each month
Average user writes 25 comments on Facebook content each month
Average user becomes a fan of 4 Pages each month
Average user is invited to 3 events per month
Average user is a member of 13 groups

There are more than 100 million active users currently accessing Facebook through their mobile devices.
People that use Facebook on their mobile devices are twice more active on Facebook than non-mobile users.

Based on what you see above, do you see the enormous VALUE in tapping into business marketing potential of Facebook?  For more information about this blog post topic, please visit and then call Cole WebMarketing at 704-503-7069.

COMING NEXT: How Do I Create a Facebook Business Page?

Feb 24, 2010

Social Media Marketing: Make Your Reservations NOW!

Just a quick note here to all Cole WebMarketing clients and any other website owners/managers who read this. If you haven't done so already, get accounts set up for social media marketing sites ASAP. Most accounts are FREE to set up and maintain, so cost is not an excuse to wait.

The main point here is to "reserve" your business name with major/popular Social Media Marketing opportunities, such as we've here:BLOG -,
Business FACEBOOK Page -,
LinkedIn page -
TWITTER account -

Even if you're not quite ready to jump in and start "working" your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Merchant Circle, etc. accounts right now or manage/maintain a BLOG, you want to help protect & preserve your corporate identity by at least setting up these and related accounts.

For more information about this blog post topic, please visit and then call Cole WebMarketing at

Feb 17, 2010

Save & Save Often ~ Backing Up Your Emails

Cole WebMarketing offers website hosting services. Part of what's included in all our Website Hosting Packages is a good online email program. However, most business people use Microsoft's Outlook program to process their email. With this setup, emails you receive and send our stored on your desktop or notebook computer. Capacity of your "emailbox" is limited only by storage capacity on your hard drive.

HOW TO AVOID LOSING EMAILS (in the event of a "crash" or theft)
Microsoft Office Outlook® 2003

AUTOARCHIVE: Making regular backup files of any important data you have is always a good idea. One way to back up e-mail messages is to use the Outlook AutoArchive feature. Archiving means moving messages to an archive folder at regularly scheduled intervals.

MANUAL BACKUP: Another way to make a backup file, which is described in this article, involves exporting (copying) the contents of the message folder to a Personal Folders file (.pst)

Personal Folders file (.pst): This is a data file that stores your messages and other items on your computer. You can assign a .pst file to be the default delivery location for e-mail messages. You can use a .pst to organize and back up items for safekeeping.) using the Import and Export Wizard. This creates the backup .pst file. You can then copy the .pst file onto a CD or DVD for safekeeping or to move the data to another computer with Outlook installed.

BACKUP INSTRUCTIONS: You should not export items (item: An item is the basic element that holds information in Outlook (similar to a file in other programs). Items include e-mail messages, appointments, contacts, tasks, journal entries, notes, posted items, and documents.) that were created in multiple languages or in a language that is not supported by your system code page to a file type that does not support Unicode. For example, if you have items that were created in multiple languages in a Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders file (.pst), you should not export the items to a Microsoft Outlook 97-2002 Personal Folders file (.pst). The latter file type does not support Unicode. Therefore, all items that contain characters in a language other than those supported by the system code page in text fields other than the body of items, such as To, Subject, and ContactName and BusinessTelephoneNumber properties of Contact items, will be interpreted incorrectly and displayed as question marks (?) and other unintelligible text.

On the File menu, click Import and Export.
Click Export to a file, and then click Next.
In the list, click Personal Folder File (.pst), and then click Next.
Click the folder that contains the messages you want to back up. If the folder contains a subfolder that you want to include, select the Include Subfolders check box, and then click Next.
Under Save exported file as, click Browse, and then specify a name and location for your backup file, for example, Mail Backup.
If you back up a .pst file that you have backed up to before, click one of the following:
Replace duplicates with items exported Existing data will be overwritten with the information in the file being exported.

Allow duplicate items to be created Existing data will not be overwritten, and duplicate information will be added to the backup file.

Do not export duplicate items Existing data will be kept, and the duplicate information in the folder will not be copied to the backup file.

Click Finish.

For more information about this blog post topic, please visit and then call Cole WebMarketing at

Jan 8, 2010

Welcome to 2010 WebMarketing

We're just getting set up here now, but check back often for tips & trends about how to use the internet to grow your business!  For more information about the services and products offered by Cole WebMarketing, please visit and then call us at 704-503-7069.